Conservatives Continue To Take From the Poor And Disabled…….And Their Reason?….

As the UK budget looms, myself and many other disabled people continue to worry about what will happen next….

David Cameron says that ‘we can not have people who are not working, better off than those in work’……well, I have something to say about that!

  • Many of us can’t work, through disability, illness or looking after children, and there are NOT enough jobs.

Well, first I’d like to paint a small picture of what it’s like (for me) being disabled and living on benefits….. Paying my bills and buying food are all I seem to worry about.  I have debt like most of us which I also struggle to pay.  The last few years I was only able to work part time due to my disabilities, and was only able to survive with tax credits.  My income working, and now on benefits, is about the same.  I also worked in the voluntary sector for nearly 10 years – at my expense.

So even while working, and now while on benefits,  I have never been able to do certain things, for example:

  • Consider buying property – I have to rent and have to move every 3 or 4 years.  This is expensive in itself!
  • Think about having an annual holiday – I think I’ve had 3 in more than 15 years.
  • Save – for anything like Christmas, friends/family birthdays.
  • Buy ‘nice’ thing like clothes or shoes, having to buy cheap alternatives

Now, I’m not saying the state should be handing out money like confetti, I’m trying to point out that at times, being on benefits feels a bit like being a prisoner – not having freedoms that others have – and knowing that I can never have those things.  You’re also made to feel like a criminal with all the checks that are made, including asking about stuff you really don’t want to be telling strangers, but you HAVE to.

So Cameron, why don’t you just raise the minimum wage (instead of cutting benefits) to £10 per hour.  Instead of tax credits, give small businesses tax breaks allowing them to cope with the rise in wages.  Surely this would help the economy as people would have more disposable income?  Stop taking from the people who have the least.  Get off your ass and make sure corporations are paying their way, and that the rich are paying their fair share.

You want people to work?  Then raising the minimum wages is the best way to do that.  All the time it is so low, that people’s standard of living is so poor, then people don’t have the drive to work.  Why the fuck in today’s world, where there is SO much money around, are so many of us suffering austerity that don’t need to?  It makes me sick to the stomach hearing about the money some people are getting – even failed bank managers!  I think the CEO of RBS complained when his bonus was cut from £2 million to a paltry £1 million, while i’m worrying about transferring £4 (yes, four pounds) from one account to another to pay a bill…..

Somehow, we need to find a way that people who really can’t work, do get fair pay as well.  I’ve worked most of my adult life and I don’t see why the state shouldn’t be providing for me (and everyone else in my boat) now – and those who truly can’t get a job.  It’s a joke that those on benefits should get less than the living wage, the amount that is supposedly the least a person is deemed to need to live on.

Lastly (for now) – social housing.  We need MORE – I believe people have the right to a DECENT roof over their head, even if they can’t work.


The World Is Really Screwed

The whole god damn (mostly Western part of it) world is screwed.  We allow huge corporations to control nearly every aspect of our lives, while wasting huge amounts of resources  – and withholding technology and cures for diseases like cancer (Tumeric and BiCarb of soada are 2 that seem INCREDIBLE – search google/youtube!)….and what for? PROFIT of course.

From medicine to energy, from food to transport…nothing really changes UNLESS it’s in the interest of the corporations – never mind what our ‘democratically elected’ governments are doing, they are the puppets of the corporations!

We need to start by breaking up the big guys – stop things happening like apples being flown to South Africa to be waxed and then flown back to European markets for sale. Encourage people  by giving them something to work towards – I don’t know – like getting into space, instead of going to war.  We should follow Taiwan’s example – nationalize big corps and invest in research and development – only allow no more than 49% of a company to be publicly owned.  Give everyone equal shares if you want to, but stop paying so few people SO much money! WTF???

We could all have a better standard of life RIGHT now if governments we not sitting around making stupid rules that only assure profit for the rich, and more importantly  leniency of the law.  We are all human and should have equal rights in ALL aspects of life – and I don’t mean we should all have ‘the same chance’, I mean the same everything!

I can cope with some having a bit more than others – especially if they wish to peruse a professional life that requires much skill and/or dedication or risk of life, but come on – who needs more than even £1000 a week to live on and have a good life?  Whats all this talk of min wages being ‘over £8’?  When’s that going to happen?   I don’t really care because I think min wages should be put up to something like £12.  Now.

Take people off things like tax credits, you could instead help employers adjust too the new system by subsidizing wages until the new system started kicking in.  Then you have an economy with lots of cash being circulated, people all being well fed and being able to afford a decent standard of living.  Why on earth do we live in a society where rich bankers get ridiculous sums of money when they’ve been caught being fraudulent, yet a poor mother who steals clothing or food for their daughter will get thrown in jail?  For FFS – why is a convicted rapest being allowed straight back into his high paying, high profile job, while others do time for petty crime – that they shouldn’t really be being put in jail for, and wouldn’t have to if everyone had an entitlement to a good basic standard of living and pay in the first place.

The year is 2014….nearly 2015 – the world is not meant to be like this!  By now we should all be comfortable and in good health, managing our precious resources responsibly – god we have the brains to do it – why the fuck aren’t we doing it???  We need to take our governments back!  They are completely ineffective in today’s world.

Rich get Richer, planet and the poor get poorer


I’m having one of those days when i’m thinking about how in your face the act of daylight robbery really is – all these adverts I see on TV for really expensive cars and other products I, and the majority, will never have.  We watch TV shows eagerly following the lives of the rich and famous, watching (and enjoying watching) them lavish themselves…… OUR expense!

How much money does one person need?  There is way enough to go about, but I guess the really rich guys figure that if it was shared out fairly, we’d all want these products and lifestyles, which of course our poor planet cannot support.

The thing is that things are already way out of control.  Never before have we humans manufactured and marketed so much pointless stuff.  Why?  To keep our economies growing.  Growth is key (so we’re told) – well you know what – it’s time people wake up and smell the coffee!  It doesn’t have to be like this, and endless growth is impossible – this planet can only provide so much.  I reckon we’ve already raided the planet too much already and that breakdown of our current systems is inevitable now.  Starting with the USA and the UK.

Come on, now is the time to really look into this and listen to what’s being said.  There are plenty of videos on youtube explaining how the banking system really works… to thieve us of everything we have, and using our money to create wars!

I’ll try remember to add some links

‘The best way to take control over a people…..’

“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”

Adolf Hitler

I believe that we’re at a critical point now, where if we don’t do something, it will be too late.  We are no longer having our rights eroded by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions – they’re taking huge chucks of them away daily and yet hardly anyone realizes……yet.  People keep saying to me that I’m being silly, that that couldn’t possibly happen, but it happened before in Germany – the people had no idea what Hitler was up to until it was way too late!  So I’m not being silly, I think it’s time for radical change – western (and a few other) governments are corrupt and criminal yet, we allow them to remain in power, making more rules for us to follow and keeping the money for themselves.

One day soon another Dictator will rise from western ‘democracy’ – unless we do something……or is it too late already?

The poor get poorer…..the rich get richer!

Why is no one doing anything?!   Everyone seems to have accepted their lot and that it’s just ‘how it is’…..  Rubbish!

I mean for god’s sake, don’t you remember the MP’s who stole money for us?  The ones that didn’t go to prison, and the ones that are still making the decisions that affect our lives!??!

Don’t you remember the bankers wankers rather, who also robbed us in various ways – ridiculous charges, dodgy insurance schemes, more ridiculous charges – all amounting to BILLIONS!  Not to mention the millions they pay themselves for robbing us and failing as banks.  These are the Wbankers that are still running the banks, and still making the decisions which affect our lives so much, and still being paid ridiculous sums of money.

Banks create ‘money’ by getting us in debt.  If you take out a loan for $1000, they don’t pay or tranfer that money into your account, they just type in $1000 into your balance.  You pay the loan back, with interest – bingo – more than $1000 created that wasn’t there before!

WHERE is the money?  Have you never thought about where the money is? I mean, where is it going? Who actually has the ‘real’ money (or the biggest electronic balances)? It’s a good question, because for the majority of us, we continue to have to get into debt – cars, homes, holidays – many of us rely on credit to ever get these things, yet banks and the ritch contonue to get richer! Can’t you see what is happening?

Surely with democracy and equality, we should not be seeing such a wide gap between the lowest earners and the highest. Minimum wages should be MUCH higher – I dont get why someone who is working their ass off should get SO much less than those above. If a job needs doing, and you want it done properly and reliably, then pay people a respectable wage.  If everyone earnt a decent sum of money, the ecconomy would thrive, the government would have more taxes to spend, and everone would have a better standard of living.

This world needs to change radically! The financial system is a shambles. It’s barley legal! For goodness sake these people are betting with our (well, not really ‘our’) money! Futures makrkets and financial trading are non corpporial – they have no physical foundation in our world, anfd the realities have been hidden from us. The rich people and governments continue to have to wrap themselves up to protect the gentry. Funny how they make laws and get caught breaking them – yet they can’t see past their greed, and never get in as much trouble as we would if we stole $25.

This really grinds my gears!  We can do somethng about this, but we have to get ourselves out of this apathetic phase we’re in.  We do not have to accept what the government says as true – we don’t even have to continue the way we are now – we need radical change in the banking system and government – really radical.

I’ll talk more about where the money goes in another post – hell – I’ll talk more about a lot of these things more as I write over the next few weeks!  In the meantime, watch this Documentary about consumerism.  It’s one of the most interesting i’ve seen and it touches on everything from human behaviour and spycology to natural selection and it’s part in all this.  I totally guarantee that of you watch the first 10 minutes, you’ll be totally hooked.  A total eye opener – no conspiracy or anything like that – this is quite factual.  /


Welcome to my blogg – somewhere where I can get stuff out my mind, air my ideas, and of course my oppinions!  Everything from water to ufo’s, war to peace, society to supermarkets.  I just need to express my thoughts really, so this is more for me, but might be interesting to a few.