The World Is Really Screwed

The whole god damn (mostly Western part of it) world is screwed.  We allow huge corporations to control nearly every aspect of our lives, while wasting huge amounts of resources  – and withholding technology and cures for diseases like cancer (Tumeric and BiCarb of soada are 2 that seem INCREDIBLE – search google/youtube!)….and what for? PROFIT of course.

From medicine to energy, from food to transport…nothing really changes UNLESS it’s in the interest of the corporations – never mind what our ‘democratically elected’ governments are doing, they are the puppets of the corporations!

We need to start by breaking up the big guys – stop things happening like apples being flown to South Africa to be waxed and then flown back to European markets for sale. Encourage people  by giving them something to work towards – I don’t know – like getting into space, instead of going to war.  We should follow Taiwan’s example – nationalize big corps and invest in research and development – only allow no more than 49% of a company to be publicly owned.  Give everyone equal shares if you want to, but stop paying so few people SO much money! WTF???

We could all have a better standard of life RIGHT now if governments we not sitting around making stupid rules that only assure profit for the rich, and more importantly  leniency of the law.  We are all human and should have equal rights in ALL aspects of life – and I don’t mean we should all have ‘the same chance’, I mean the same everything!

I can cope with some having a bit more than others – especially if they wish to peruse a professional life that requires much skill and/or dedication or risk of life, but come on – who needs more than even £1000 a week to live on and have a good life?  Whats all this talk of min wages being ‘over £8’?  When’s that going to happen?   I don’t really care because I think min wages should be put up to something like £12.  Now.

Take people off things like tax credits, you could instead help employers adjust too the new system by subsidizing wages until the new system started kicking in.  Then you have an economy with lots of cash being circulated, people all being well fed and being able to afford a decent standard of living.  Why on earth do we live in a society where rich bankers get ridiculous sums of money when they’ve been caught being fraudulent, yet a poor mother who steals clothing or food for their daughter will get thrown in jail?  For FFS – why is a convicted rapest being allowed straight back into his high paying, high profile job, while others do time for petty crime – that they shouldn’t really be being put in jail for, and wouldn’t have to if everyone had an entitlement to a good basic standard of living and pay in the first place.

The year is 2014….nearly 2015 – the world is not meant to be like this!  By now we should all be comfortable and in good health, managing our precious resources responsibly – god we have the brains to do it – why the fuck aren’t we doing it???  We need to take our governments back!  They are completely ineffective in today’s world.

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