Category Archives: General

respond to Government plans to strengthen police powers against Gypsies and Travellers

Friends Families and Travellers have designed a simple way to respond to the latest planned attacks

but you might also want to read up on the threats on their website and respond more fully

ASS accounts 2019

OK, we did a lot better last year and made a surplus! thanks to benefits and one-off donations.
We spent £3,580, of which 2,517 was building costs and £527 for our phone etc.
We got in £1,951 in donations, £1,927 from benefits and £985 from standing orders.
Thanks a lot everyone.


Hey, we need your feedback to make things work better

We particularly need feedback on the Squatters Handbook as we need to start working on the next edition. What do you think / like / dislike / not understand ….?

But generally we need to know what’s working and what isn’t so we can advise others better

drop us a line …….