Belgian activists block detention centre to stop a charter flight


About twenty activists are blocking the entrance to the closed detention centre of Steenokkerzeel 127 Bis, Brussels, this morning. By blocking the entrance they want to stop the deportation of migrants with a Frontex charter flight. Support them as much as you can, publish news!
Today 28th April a flight is organised to deport 60 people of Congolese DRC origin, coming from different European countries.  The ‘securised’ flight is leaving from Brussels.
Frontex coordinates the operational cooperation between EU member countries on the level of management of outer borders.  The agency offers member countries the support on organising shared return operations (

In 2010 Frontex coordinated 38 Flights from Europe to Columbia, Ecuador, Georgia, Iraq, Burundi, Nigeria, Cameroon, Kosovo and Ukraïne. From January to March 2011 already 7 flights were organised to Kosovo, Congo, Georgia, Iraq and Nigeria.

Belgium is an active member of the European anti-migration policy  It organises not only about 20 deportations a day, but it organises also grouped flights to deport ‘unwilling’ migrants.  In 2010 about 73 persons were put on ‘securised’ flights: seven to Greece, one to Poland, three to Nigeria and Cameroon and two to Congo.

This Thursday Belgium chartered an airbus under the management of Frontex to depart from the military airport from Melsbroek.  The aim is to deport 15 Congolese migrants trapped in closed detention centres, together with 45 others from Great Britain, Ireland, The Netherlands and Sweden.

We don’t agree with this discrimination and inhuman migration policy.  We reject the detention and deportation of people, we demand freedom of movement and settlement for people

No one is illegal,
Stop Deportations
Stop the Frontex charters.

contact : 0032 487408280
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