Post/Trans-humanism: Cyborgs and Becoming-Woman


For Deleuze and Guattari, “becoming-minor(itarian)” is primarily an ethical action, one of the becomings one is affected by when avoiding “becoming-fascist”.

The example of patriarchy provides an illustration of how the concept of “minority” is used: while there may be more women than men numerically, in Deleuze and Guattari’s terms, which are sensitive to relations of power, men still constitute the majority whereas women form a minority. Thus the concept of “becoming-minor” converges with that of “becoming-woman” (as they say, “everyone has to ‘become-woman’, even women…”), “becoming-animal”, “becoming-molecular”, “becoming-imperceptible” and ultimately, “becoming-revolutionary”. Each type of affective becoming marks a new phase of a larger process that Deleuze and Guattari call deterritorialization.

Wikipedia – Minority (Philosophy)

Becoming-Woman’ for me has been an experience deeply influenced by posthumanist thought. It allows me to avoid thoughts and feelings which can lead to dysphoria because Becoming-Woman means for me, allowing myself to see my own balls as an assemblage. They don’t = male. They = many things.  As do I.

Deleuze & Guattari call this the “fractured ‘I’ or self” or the nomadic subject.

…Each of us are several…”

I step out of my male shoes, into a woman’s. The balls are still there, but they’re a woman’s balls. So why would I have anything against them! 

I step out of my human shoes into something else. Phenomenologically.

Difference is a really special thing, difference has allowed me to find euphoria In the things I would normally find dysphoric. I hope perhaps difference can do something for you too! 

Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari

See you on the Gothic Flatline!

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