How Democratic is our Money (System)?

I am grateful for the discussions on alternative currencies, but prefer to consider the democratic processes involved in our monetary systems. I have not got much time, but would like to share my work on Shared Monetary Governance, which was a cross-currency study on the democratic processes used by various currency institutions, including Time Banks, Ithaca Hours (and all I. Hours based currencies), LETS, private issue and national monetary institutions. It is a bit technical, but the upshot is that opennes, transparency, and participartory processes are the key to an inclusive currency. In terms of viability, I looked at scale, which seems to show that with more than 120-150 people, the Free Rider problems leads to hyper-inflation. There is more to it, of course, depending on individual circumstances, but I salut your work, and thank you for opening these dialogues.
ShiraDestinie Jones Landrac, MPhil
Today’s ‘normal’ date is: Saturday November 8, 2014
Today’s U.N. Date is: Wednesday, November 8, 12014 H.E. (Holocene Era)

About ShiraHoloceneEraDest

Shira Destinie Jones Landrac is a published poet and academic author, former Washington DC Tour Guide, founder of SHIR Tours Community Cooperation Tours, and freelance writer and educator. She has organized community events such as film discussions, multi-ethnic song events, and cooperative presentations. She now lives in France, and continues to work for community cooperation and health for all. She is on LinkedIn and on LinkedIn: and Academia.Edu:
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