Critical Mass London 30 September 2016

Reported to have been 544 strong at the beginning of the ride by @piombo in twitter.

All rest of reports come from volunteers sending their data to:!criticalmasslondon

Pic from John Sadeghipoor (@jaytwee)
10.20 Critical Mass seems to have stayed for twenty minutes at Victoria Memorial

10.00 some of Critical Mass London head East on Constitution Hill and arrive at Victoria Memorial next to Buckingham Palace (some others report to be still on Oxford Street)

9.55 some of Critical Mass London head West to Marble Arch then South on Park Lane then Hyde Park Corner

9.25 Critical Mass London heads West on High Holborn, Chancery Lane, then New Oxford St then Oxford St

9.15 some of Critical Mass London report to cross Farringdon Road and continue South West on Charterhouse St

9.05 some of CM heads South on Farringdon St while some others stay on Charterhouse St

9.00 #criticalmass #london Critical Mass London heads South on Goswell Road then West on Long Lane then North on Lindsey St then West on Charterhouse St

8.55 again at Old Street roundabout, then heads West on Old St

8.50 CM heads South on East Rd

8.45 North on Pitfield St then West on Chart Street

8.43 #criticalmass #london Critical Mass London report to be at junction of Old Street with Pitfield St

8.30 #criticalmass #london Critical Mass London on Old Street roundabout then heads East on the A501 Old Street

At 8.20 Critical Mass heading North on Moorgate then City Road

At 8.20 Critical Mass has crossed London Bridge and is heading Norgh West on King William St heading to Bank Station

Pic from Lucas Braunschvig (@LBraunschvig)
ciclists taking London8.14 heading West on Tooley St A200, crosses London Bridge then heads North West on King William Street then Princess St then on Moorgate then City Road then after Old Street roundabout then heads East on the A501 Old Street then North on Pitfield St then West on Chart Street then South on East Rd then City Road then again at the Old Street roundabout,w est on Old St,

At 8pm Critical Mass London is in Potters Fields Park

7.35 head on Eastcheap which becomes Great Tower Street heading East. Byward St heading East on Tower Hill, Tower Bridge, Tower Bridge Road, Tooley St heading West, Potters Field Park. where it stayed for about fifteen minute

7.30pm the mass extends now from St. Paul’s Churchyard to Monument Station

7:17 the mass crossed Waterloo Bridge, then on The Strand, which becomes Fleet Street which becomes Ludgate Hill which becomes st. Paul’s Churchyard which becomes Cannon Street, heading East.

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