July 2020

A bit on where the ride _didn’t_ go:
As expected, I wasn’t free to go to Waterloo Bridge at 6 or 6.30pm. I was eventually free in time to be heading south over the bridge at about 7.30 – and hoping very much for there to be no sign of the mass. (Because I’m very keen for it to get back to starting more promptly, as was once the case.)

However, as I cycled over, I saw hundreds of bikes heading the other way. (So – the mass continues to increase in size again, following it’s rather “compact” nature at the beginning of the lockdown.)

I went round Waterloo roundabout and headed back north to try to catch it up. At the Strand junction its direction wasn’t obvious, but traffic looked heaviest going towards Kingsway. So I went north as far as Theobalds Road, but there was no sign of it. Perhaps it went west after the bridge, maybe onto The Mall and Buckingham Palace (a common route), I mused. So I headed down to the Palace. But if the ride had gone that way, it hadn’t stopped for the usual leisurely/playful circlings of the Victoria Memorial.

After a few more loops around the centre of town I gave up looking.

Now that I’ve reported some of what the ride _didn’t_ do, can someone please [post as a comment] a report of where it _did_ go this month?
Maybe see people next month…

  I can fill in some of the blanks…. route last night was Waterloo Bridge, Strand, Kingsway, then left into New Oxford St/Oxford St.   Pace was pretty decent, though inevitably that spread us out a fair bit.  carried on through Oxford St to Marble Arch then down Park lane.   This was initially good taking all 3 lanes but a few corks later I was at the back and we were way too spread out.  Aggressive Merc driver managed to push through on the right hand lane then several other drivers did as well, no damage done but not a pleasant bit.

But then hyde park corner, Constitution Hill, the Mall – pleased we didn’t stop at the palace for an overly early break – again still pretty spread out but I think we just about kept together. From Trafalgar Square, passed up Strand and Fleet St before parking up for a bit in Paternoster Square,  Maybe 150-200 all in?
After Paternoster square the group headed back towards central so I peeled off and left them to it.
I make it around 7 or 8mph average speed which I *think* is quite high for Mass, though made for a pleasant keep it moving ride without spending too much time taking junctions.   Definitely resulted in stragglers though which is a shame when a couple of quick regroups at lights would have helped.  Plenty of corkers on the ball though which was good to see, lots of experienced hands I guess.  No signs of any serious aggro or other issues.

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