Southwark to London Bridge.

Fuji Neopan 400 @ 400 +

Pyrocat HD – 1+1+250 @ 21’c for 45 mins stand process + minimal agitation +

some of the faces and places between Southwark and London Bridge.


— Solution A-

-H2O @ 125’f or 52’c- 75ml

-Hydroquinone- 2.5g

-Potassium Metabisulfite- 2.5g

-Potassium Bromide- 2.5g

+ cold water to make 100ml


— Solution B-

-Cold water- 100ml

+ Sodium Hydroxide- 36g (or Potassium Hydroxide- 50g)

-Mix equal parts of A + B diluted in water immediately before use.


— Solution A-

-H2O @ 125’f or 52’c- 75ml

-Hydroquinone- 2.5g

-Potassium Metabisulfite- 2.5g

-Potassium Bromide- 2.5g

+ cold water to make 100ml


— Solution B-

-Cold water- 100ml

+ Sodium Hydroxide- 36g (or Potassium Hydroxide- 50g)

-Mix equal parts of A + B diluted in water immediately before use.