Apartheid Profiteer: Israel Chemicals & Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories


Israel Chemicals Ltd. and Ahava are unlawfully exploitating natural resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

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War Profiteer: General Dynamics

General Dynamics manufactures GD 883 engine for Israel’s Merkava4 battle tanks, which are used in Occupied Territories; and equipment for MK-84 “general purpose” bombs, which are used in the assaults on Gaza.

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War Profiteer: Alliant Tech Systems Inc.

ATK conducts its operations within three business groups: ATK Armament Systems, ATK Mission Systems, and ATK Space Systems.

ATK Armament Systems manufactures ammunition, supplying both military and commercial products, and is operator of military ammunition plants. ATK Mission Systems is a supplier of precision systems, aerospace structures, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) programs, and electronic warfare. ATK Space Systems is the world’s leading producer of solid rocket propulsion systems, provider of small and micro-satellites, satellite components and subsystems, missile defence and strategic missile propulsion, lightweight space deployables, and solar arrays and technical services.

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Apartheid Profiteer: Caterpillar


Supplies bulldozers used to destroy Palestinian homes, orchards and olive groves in the Occupied Territories. This equipment is also used to clear Palestinian land for illegal Israeli settlements, segregated roads and the “Separation Wall;” and its weaponised bulldozers were used in the [2008]-[2009] assault on Gaza.

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War Profiteer: Boeing


Boeing missile systems, F-15 software, Apache helicopters and Joint Direct Attack Munitions were used in assaults on Gaza.

Boeing is one of the United States’ largest defense contractors, spending a whopping $17.89 million on lobbying efforts in 2010 alone. Can you imagine the profits?

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DIME built in weapons. What it looks like?

DIME was designed by the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), see document 04-MN-16 (pdf) from 2004. The document was referred to but had vanished. The internet archive had a copy.

Defense update: Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME)

DIME are among the technologies considered for inclusion in the Focused Lethality Munition (FLM) Upgrades for the Small Diameter Bomb (SDB). FLM exploites focused lethality munitions, which would further reduce a small diameter bomb’s collateral damage. In the FLM, the steel casing will be replaced with one made of carbon fibers, thus eliminating fragmentation effect which, in standard bombs can reach up to 2,000 feet. FY2007 increase of $40.2M for Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) Focused Lethality Munition (FLM) supported teh examination of alternate bomb fills and casings into SDB Ipreparing for technology integration into SDB I.

DIME munitions can be delivered in a Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) Focused Lethality Munition (FLM) which appears to be designed for urban warfare.

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Governmental and M$M Censorship & Propaganda?

The M$M are protecting their own interests, and people in general have become conditioned to blow off complicated issues as too confusing or troubling, refer to them as ‘wing-nut’ conspiracies, and simply keep their noses to grindstone with dreams of consuming more useless crap. And then of course there is the diversion of political theatre.

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Is DIME being used in Gaza?

Stories repeat. Again we hear reports from doctors of Israel firing experimental weapons at Gaza’s civilians, just like we did in 2009, and in 2006.

What make these reports largely based on solid ground are  the repeat of patterns (2006, 2009, 2014), information from military and company websites, detected transport routes of the components involved, and observed actions by companies involved in the making of these weapons.

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Telecomix #GAZA Emergency Room

Telecomix IRC: https://chat.wnh.me/?channels=gaza&uio=d4


A ceasefire is in place at the moment, but just in case of a breach with blackout, a repeat of the message from Telecomix with a dial-up workaround.
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Enough Is Enough! Break The Silence In Solidarity With Gaza!

[vimeo width=”640″ height=”360″]http://vimeo.com/101662876[/vimeo]

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