Save Hackney Libraries InfoNight

Save Hackney Libraries InfoNight
Thursday 21st July 2011
7pm @ Well Furnished, 11-13 Terrace Road, E9

Info-night about how the cuts are affecting Hackney’s libraries and the campaign to resist them. There will be speakers (Hackney Library staff workers, Feminist Library volunteers, ESOL campaigners, users etc.), information about the current situation and open discussion.

Hackney Council plans to cut between £80 and £90 million in the next 4 years. This will affect all the services provided by the council to its residents: education, health, employment, housing etc. Serious cuts to the Library Service are planned and about to be put into action:

* Concentrating resources, facilities and events at the 3 main libraries; Hackney Central, Dalston and Stoke Newington Library.
* Cuts to events : drop of events from 500 currently to 200 per year.
* Reduction of opening hours in all but the 3 main Hackney Libraries.
* Staff restructure that will see library workers made redundant, serious loss of pay and significant changes to terms and conditions of employment.

Libraries are one of the rare free spaces for people to use, learn from, get together, find resources that would otherwise need to be bought (internet, books…). They need to be defended from these government attacks!

Save Hackney Libraries:
Online Petition:






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