Tag Archives: barrel

Spades, picks and rakes

Suga, Lojo, Sojel and me were building something together, to do with some community garden. We had a wheel barrel that we used to carry stuff, so we went together with the barrel to a place that looked like Teduso. The barrel was empty when we went there, and it was full of garden tools when we were returning.

I had been carrying the barrel when it was empty and I was carrying it once it was full too. But I assumed that we would take turns because it was heavy. At one point it began to look like they were not going to carry the barrel at any point. They were walking in front of me, faster, and I struggled with the spades and picks and rakes. At one point they fell and I called out:
“Hey are you not going to help me?” They stopped and looked back at me; they had not expected this. “I need help with this!”

Then some passer-by pointed out that all the tools were on the pavement. One spade was right next to the barrel; it had just fallen. Then a rake was a few steps behind, and a spade was a few steps behind that. All my tools were on the pavement, each a few steps apart, forming a trail from where I had come. I went to pick all of them up and put them back on the barrel, which now was not a barrel, but a bicycle with a carrier device at the front.

“We are going back on public transport, and you go on the bike”

I realised it would have taken forever to walk back. So I got on the bike and on to the main road, but they walked down a hill street to get their bus. As I was on the main road, with the garden tools in front of me on the bike, I thought actually the way they had gone on was shorter, so I made a U-turn and went that way.
I did not see them on that street, maybe I was too shocked at the hill I had gone down on. I had to press both brakes hard because the slope was steep and short, and at the end of it I could see a wall that I would crash on, if I did not stop in time.

My brakes were not working completely properly and I panicked a bit, especially because if I crashed, my tools would be at risk as well, and I had no other way to re-join those three and whatever project we were involved in.
I braked hard and my bike slowed down. It did not go to a standstill but I did go slow enough to turn at the bottom of the street safely and continue my journey.

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