Tag Archives: bike

Spades, picks and rakes

Suga, Lojo, Sojel and me were building something together, to do with some community garden. We had a wheel barrel that we used to carry stuff, so we went together with the barrel to a place that looked like Teduso. The barrel was empty when we went there, and it was full of garden tools when we were returning.

I had been carrying the barrel when it was empty and I was carrying it once it was full too. But I assumed that we would take turns because it was heavy. At one point it began to look like they were not going to carry the barrel at any point. They were walking in front of me, faster, and I struggled with the spades and picks and rakes. At one point they fell and I called out:
“Hey are you not going to help me?” They stopped and looked back at me; they had not expected this. “I need help with this!”

Then some passer-by pointed out that all the tools were on the pavement. One spade was right next to the barrel; it had just fallen. Then a rake was a few steps behind, and a spade was a few steps behind that. All my tools were on the pavement, each a few steps apart, forming a trail from where I had come. I went to pick all of them up and put them back on the barrel, which now was not a barrel, but a bicycle with a carrier device at the front.

“We are going back on public transport, and you go on the bike”

I realised it would have taken forever to walk back. So I got on the bike and on to the main road, but they walked down a hill street to get their bus. As I was on the main road, with the garden tools in front of me on the bike, I thought actually the way they had gone on was shorter, so I made a U-turn and went that way.
I did not see them on that street, maybe I was too shocked at the hill I had gone down on. I had to press both brakes hard because the slope was steep and short, and at the end of it I could see a wall that I would crash on, if I did not stop in time.

My brakes were not working completely properly and I panicked a bit, especially because if I crashed, my tools would be at risk as well, and I had no other way to re-join those three and whatever project we were involved in.
I braked hard and my bike slowed down. It did not go to a standstill but I did go slow enough to turn at the bottom of the street safely and continue my journey.

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Bikes, friends and lessons

I signed up for a course in drawing with Irau. He was the only person I knew from waking life in the first three or four lessons. We would go there on our bikes, leave them outside locked, and then get in this bare room with just a few chairs where the teacher would do drawings and drawings showing us how he did things.

Irau and I usually went to see friends at the end of the class, some times on our own and some times with people from class. It was always very relaxed, biking slowly and pleasantly. The only drawback was that the lessons finished at dark and it felt like night time when we got out, always biking in the dark. But we were used to it and it was never an issue, and we just enjoyed going back to our friends after class.

Then in one of the lessons we went out to the patio and did some drawings ourselves.

Then I went away for two weeks and I thought the lessons had finished, but when I came back I enrolled in a different course and it was with the same teacher, and it felt like it was just the continuation of the previous course and that I had missed two weeks worth of lessons. This was never clarified to me.

This time I could recognise a few people from waking life. Mesk was there, also using a bike, and Mr. Ratpram too, looking much younger than I have ever known him, almost a teenager.

One day after class Irau, Mesk, one other person from class that could have been Mr. Ratpram and I went for a bike ride to see some friends. It was just the three of us. As usual the lesson finished when it was already dark, so I put on my bike lights, and so did Irau. Putting my bike lights took time and Mesk got impatient, partly because this time it was her leading the way to her friends.

At one point she just shot off with her bike and I didn’t want her to go off on her own. She did not have any lights. I had lights and I high visibility vest. I told Irau and the others that I would try and be between her and them, so that we would all be still together even if Mesk was faster. They agreed and I followed Mesk. This meant to make an effort to keep up with her speed, but it was also enjoyable. She would never indicate where she was turning, and guessing her moves in order to indicate myself, for the benefit of Irau first, and the rest of the traffic later, was also a pleasure. Some times I got it wrong but most of the times I could predict when and where she was turning by observing the movements of her head and her bike.

When we arrived to the house we were visiting, Mesk said: “Your bike makes noises”. I agreed, and jumped a bit on my saddle to reproduce the noise my bike was making. “Why is that?” “Because I overcharged it yesterday. I was assured the load I was to carry was very small, but obviously it was too heavy.”

The next day we were in class again. It was a bare room, with a bed in it. There were some chairs too, and a table. Mr. Ratpram was sitting on a chair opposite me. The teacher was sitting on a chair too, next to the bed where Irau and I were sitting. Two guys were sitting on chairs next to the only table in the room, there were a couple of people sitting on chairs too, and the rest of the class just sat on the floor, with their backs leaned against the walls.

The teacher was making an important point about life in general, as part of the class. Then he put an example about making personal decisions, just as an aside to his main point. Mr. Ratpram had a question about this making decisions issue. The teacher said it was just an example and he didn’t want to wander away from the issues the lessons needed to be about. Mr. Ratpram asked his question anyway, in a long elaborate way. The teacher thought Mr. Ratpram had not listened to him and he decided to do the same, continuing with the lesson ignoring Mr. Ratpram. So for a painfully long time they both talked at the same time not listening to each other. The guys at the table moved their heads and closing their eyes, as if saying “this really should not be happening”. I saw some people with that same body language, and I felt the same way too, but didn’t know how it could have been different without letting Mr. Ratpram imposing his agenda on the rest of the class.

This is what the teacher decided to do because he was more civilised than Mr. Ratpram. He got off his chair and sat next to other pupils who were sitting on the floor against the wall, so he looked like any other pupil while Mr. Ratpram comfortably asked his question.

I felt out of place now because, sitting on the bed as I was, I was in a higher position than the teacher, who sat on the floor, but there was not much space on the floor to sit on so I remained where I was with Irau.

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The farmer’s son

I was living in a farm, run by its members, like a cooperative. It was probably, actually a cooperative.

We set our own rules, and as part of that, I had contributed to the preparation of the rules. Some of those rules now meant that the son of one of the farm residents and coop members could use my bike. No one else apart of myself could use it, but because of some interpretation of the rules, this boy, and only he, could use my bike.

He did use it a few times, and on one occasion I looked at him, to see how he was looking after it, and he was carrying it upside down, dragging it along with its wheels up, but it still made the same noise it would make if carried properly.

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A few others and myself went on a course to learn about permaculture. We had to get on a coach for that. The journey was long and we had to stop various times overnight. We also travelled on our bikes. We camped as well. The journey lasted various days.

Once we arrived, we learned about permaculture and cooperative organising. There were people from a coop where I had been previously involved, in this course. I did not notice until Mr. F. came and mentioned it. Then I realised they had left the previous coop and were subletting in another one. But some how M.rF. also wanted information from them, at least feedback on how the course had been and how their coop could learn from it.

We had been in the training, on some occasions I wanted to take the bike to places no one would dare. It was scary for them but it was ok for me; I felt very comfortable on the bike, I felt I was just in my element. The only awkward feeling I had was about overloading the bike.

On one of the last days Mr.F. told me that he had been an infiltrator, in the sense that he had been in the course pretending to be a member of our coop, while being more or less an official member of another coop, and subletting in ours. So I realised that he could be here just to get information on other people’s coops and activities, like how well we were doing our duties.

We wanted to prepare something special for the last day of the course. There were groups doing cake and the groups were competing to make the best cake. During the preparations I clashed with Mr.F. because he was being very competitive, while all I wanted was to have a nice time making the cake.

One of the things showed in the course was to produce and throw glitter, but I must have missed that lesson or that day because I only learnt about that on the last day. Then as I had missed it, Mr.F. wanted to do it again, and no one liked it. When he had done it, the result had been a big mess and then he left, and now he did this again, but I liked it.

I heard a few girls badmouth Mr.F. for doing it the first time and then now again.

Mr.F. had to leave at the end of the training but he was mentally miles away and he needed help.

I put him on a van with other people that were leaving too. I put him on the front seat and told him that all this was conditional to him behaving himself. He promised but he could not guarantee his own behaviour, no one can guarantee the future.

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Need to look good

I had agreed to meet a friend at the entrance of the cinema and we were going to see a movie. I was also in charge of this friend’s bike. It was such a fancy bike it didn’t even have a lock, so I had to be with the bike at all times. Apparently the lock would make it look too ugly, it was such a beautiful bike.
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Bike, lift and sugar

I was with my bike, in some place that close to where my aunt used to live. On another occasion, we had to wait for a bus for a long time, in the place where this dream started. I needed to deliver something to some person in a high building.

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