The secret arsenal of capitalism lies in elusive presentation. And what better way could a disaster be sold to the deluded fools if it were not for targeted marketing and advertising?
A good salesman is one who can sell you unshielded radioactive waste wrapped in a gift box while having you think that you may have just won the jackpot.
It is indeed a jackpot, but not one you want lying around in your house.
I remember back when I was a young man, there were companies everywhere advertising green energy and ecofriendly clothes and vehicles and tech products. I remember a company named after a fruit which manufactured new device models every year, yet claimed to be recycling waste and becoming ecofriendly by not selling their stupid fucking chargers with their stupid fucking phones.
My generation weren’t born fools. They were turned into fools by the world around them. That world was controlled by grubby corporations, greedy politicians and a bunch of rich men who thought themselves competent to guide the rest of the population simply because they’d robbed the poor in order to become even more rich.
Little did people understand that being rich didn’t mean you were a genius. Even a fucking bum could become rich if he bathed in the blood of innocent lives. It was all about perspective.
As horrible as human beings were, many of them didn’t want to be directly involved in screwing over the poor. So they found others to do their dirty work for them, while they lived in their beautiful dreamy worlds filled with unicorns and angels.
The math was simple. If you were a cut-throat heartless son of a bitch, you climbed the ranks quickly and made more money. If you had even a tiny drop of humanity still left within your carcass, you were left behind.
None of the things advertised as green and ecofriendly lived up to their labels once you began digging beneath the surface. It was just one lie after another. Solar panels were not green. Electric vehicles were not green. Fashion clothing was not green. Electronic devices weren’t really green. NOTHING ON THE FUCKING PLANET WAS ACTUALLY FUCKING GREEN!
But the people fell for it. They were hypnotized by the marketing and advertising. They were blind sheep following their celebrities and role models and INFLUENCERS.
Influencers were the cancer of my generation. A bunch of idiots who sold mindless consumerism to the masses.
What the planet actually needed was less consumerism. We didn’t need to buy more cars, or build more houses, or buy more clothes, and shoes, and smartphones, and laptops, and all the rest of the stupid fucking bullshit that the corporations were shoving down our throats.
We were being raped by the politicians and the banks and the insurance companies and the universities. The whole system was designed to rape us in every orifice possible nonstop. Right from our childhood, we were thrown into the system and brainwashed into obedient mindless slaves. We were told what to do and what to think. We were told how to speak and how to dress and how to act. Every aspect of our lives was being dictated by a number of grubby bastards acting behind the scenes. We were merely puppets. With no significance of our own.
Each time someone broke out of the spell and realized how fucked the world was, they were immediately knocked the fuck out by the large corporations and the media and the politicians and the government. The little guy could never win against the system.
Yet somehow, everyone was illusioned into thinking that the world was making progress. WAS IT? I don’t fucking think so. The world was slowly being pushed back into the stone age. The only thing making progress was the bank accounts of the rich pricks who had too much power for the good of the people.
Capitalism bred consumerism. In order to make money, you needed to sell your product to the people. But when people didn’t need the product, the rich assholes created an artificial need for their bullshit products. Just like the drug dealers. Elon Musk and Tim Cook were no different from Carlos the cocaine dealer.
Buy our computers. But our laptops. But our shitty fucking Microsoft bullshit garbage. Buy our stupid electric vehicles.
And the reason why these pricks were idolized by the general masses is because people did not think outside the box. Nobody questioned how mass producing new smartphone models every year was actually helping to reduce e-waste. Nobody. Nobody questioned how lithium and graphite batteries were actually ecofriendly when their mines were some apocalyptic shit straight out of hell’s bottom. Nobody questioned how laying down copper cables to charge the electric vehicles across the entire planet was actually an ecofriendly move. It was all bullshit. This bullshit was the shitstorm created by mindless consumerism.
All one needed to stay alive was some good food, clean water, fresh air, and a warm bed. But were people satisfied with these? OH NO! They wanted to be trendy and modern. They wanted to be up to date and in fashion. They wanted a bunch of fucking likes and hearts from a mindless idiots on Instagram and YouTube. Hey guys! Looks at my new $5000/month apartment! Look at my fresh Nikes! Look at my designer jeans! Look at my beautiful face plastered with chemicals from makeup! Look at my silicon tits! Look at my new Tesla! Look at my new Macbook! Look at my new phone! Look at my steroid muscles! Look! Look! Look! Why don’t you leave a like and a heart! Why don’t you praise me in the comments! Boost my ego! I need validation from a bunch of fucking strangers because my own self respect and esteem is fragile! If you’re mean, I’ll cut my wrists!
The system had bred a generation of sensitive consumers of capitalist garbage who wanted to be told they were right because deep down in their dark hearts, they knew they were fucking wrong. Anything to console them eh? That’s what capitalism is for. Someone bring in the marketing team and advertisers to tell these pricks what they want to hear!
Yes Tommy, you have the latest Macbook. You are so cool!