Category: Preface

Enough! I’ve Had Enough Of These Fucking Prefaces!

Human beings were exploitative in nature. It was caused by their greed to want more and more and their lack of empathy as to how their actions impacted anyone else. And that’s being their story since the beginning of creation. The first exploitative human being was probably some prick from the Old Testament or the …

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Yet Another Preface

Human beings were experts at shifting the blame when shit hit the fan. Nobody liked to take responsibility for their actions. That’s why the world transformed from a beautiful paradise into fucking hell within a span of 300 years! But that’s not the only thing they were good at. Humans were also expert in shifting …

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Another Preface

The world was going through a technological revolution. It began with computers, before I was born. But the majority of the progress happened during my youth. Laptops, smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, smart speakers, smart homes, smart monitors, smart sensors, smart cameras, smart refrigerators, smart TVs, smart toilets, smart washing tubs, smart floors, smart cars… the list …

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Would You Like Some Preface?

Capitalism was based on trade and trade was based on exchanging goods and services. But at some point, the goods and services were replaced with bullshit. The banking, mortgage and insurance companies recognize this bullshit very well. After all, they INVENTED bullshit. This bullshit was financed by the wealth of the rich pricks who, as …

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Somebody Put A Stop To These Fucking Prefaces!

Just like electric vehicles and solar panels, there was very little known about cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency came about when I had just turned into an adult. And just like the banking, mortgage and insurance systems, nobody knew what the fuck crypto was all about. But everyone wanted in on it. Some guy wanted to put an …

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Are You Getting Tired Of These Prefaces Yet?

I never quite understood why companies designed products that were difficult to open and repair. A long time ago, waaay before I was born, products were built with repairability in mind. Everything could be taken apart, parts could be swapped; things were so simple, products outlasted the lifetimes of their owners. But then some capitalist …

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Even More Preface

Everyone talked about saving the environment. Save the environment! Plant more trees! Don’t waste water! Yeah yeah yeah. That’s all fine and mighty, but how many steps have YOU taken to save the environment? How many trees have YOU planted? How much water have YOU saved? The corporations got away with it through useless marketing …

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Some More Preface

The secret arsenal of capitalism lies in elusive presentation. And what better way could a disaster be sold to the deluded fools if it were not for targeted marketing and advertising? A good salesman is one who can sell you unshielded radioactive waste wrapped in a gift box while having you think that you may …

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More Preface

Wai-wai-wai-wait! Hold on a second! Hold on for a minute there! You mean to say that human beings never went to other planets? They did. Or, they may have. But they didn’t survive. The earth is the only habitable planet within the realm of human understanding. It wasn’t a mystery. What was mysterious was that …

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Earth 2800. It was the year 2800. And I was still stuck on this planet. How was I still alive? Well, it’s a long story. One, that I preferred not to discuss due to the sheer number of nightmares the remembrance caused me. Humanity had failed to find another habitable planet. The thousands of rockets …

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