Turkey: vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan’s hunger strike ends in victory

Solidarity with Osman Evcan posterFrom ABC Istanbul via 325.net

20th December

Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar gained the victory from the determined struggle which they put their lives against the state inside the thick walls of prison which they are enclosed. Osman and Hasan, got what they demanded through this hard period. Osman Evcan ended his indefinite hunger strike which took 39 days against intimidation and extermination politics against prisoners in prison and again he proved us that how he is right about his call to raise struggle.

We celebrate Osman Evcan who has proved that the thick walls that are built in order to revitalize the new “terrorist” wave that the Turkish state needed and legitimize further operations cannot be an obstacle to anarchists at all. The “punishment” system and their officials that made comrade Osman Evcan suffer hunger for 39 days and tortured him are our enemies. The recognized demands of Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar are not a matter of grace, instead that is the end of torturous practices. Torture is the state policy. We are grateful to everyone who have held demonstrations, spoken up, and support for Osman Evcan’s cause. Osman Evcan is now trying to get over the adverse effects of the hunger strike process, and his present health condition is fine. We will share the message from Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar soon.

With anarchist solidarity,

ABC Istanbul

About londonabc

London Anarchist Black Cross, is a collective set up with the aim of supporting prisoners: political prisoners, people in detention centers or just people fucked over by the capitalist system.
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