Call out for Prison Abolition Compilation CD

Re-posting from Prison Abolition UK

Via Recordiau AFIACH Records please share:Qv9_JaA5

In the new year we are going to be releasing three new digital compilations, to help raise money and awareness of some campaigns in South Wales. We are looking for your suggestions of songs related to these subjects by DIY artists we might be able to get involved, or if you are an artist and would like to submit a song, please contact us.

Cardiff Defendant Solidarity & Prison Abolition

In 2015 many of our friends/comrades/activists were given ridiculous fines/conditions etc by the courts. There is a group supporting them, and we want to support the great work they do by raising some cash for them, part of the funds will also go to Empty Cages. For this compilation we are looking for songs surrounding the subjects of solidarity/being arrested/unjustice of the ‘justice system’/prison abolition/political prisoners…. You get the idea…

**Please Note: You don’t need to be from/live in Wales for the first two compilations, and although there is a ‘subject’ for each compilation it doesn’t have to be super-specific and we also welcome instrumental submissions without any lyrics or samples too. All styles of music welcome. All languages welcome.

Contact us through ‘Afiach’ facebook or (send submissions as .WAV to the e-mail through dropbox)

About londonabc

London Anarchist Black Cross, is a collective set up with the aim of supporting prisoners: political prisoners, people in detention centers or just people fucked over by the capitalist system.
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