From London to Prague: Solidarity with Martin Ignačák

This morning (Monday 13th June 2016) a small group of people met outside the Czech Embassy in West London to show support with anarchist prisoner Martin Ignačák, held on remand for 13 months, and on hunger strike since 9th June 2016.

free martin

Banners were put up and fliers handed out to people visiting/working at the embassy as well as any passers by. The text of the flier is below;



Who is Martin? Martin is the second longest detained prisoner in the Pankrác remand prison. For 13 months he lives there under conditions that negatively affect his psychological and physical state. Martin is accused of “conspiracy to plan a terrorist attack. Today we know that the entire “action” to attack the train, which the police claimed to prevent by arresting Martin and three other people, was scheduled and co-planned by (at least) two undercover operatives. Specifically trained undercover police officers infiltrated a group of people and gained their trust to obtain information. After a while, when surveillance of their new “friends” was established, they began to talk more about the necessity of actions more militant in nature and they actively participated in the preparation of such a plan.
Martin’s lawyer mentioned in an interview:

My defendant considers the whole case as the result of police provocation and he had no intention whatsoever to plan or carry out a terrorist attack. As he stated, if he would not have met the undercover police agents he would most likely never have gotten into the current troubles.”

It was the police themselves who invented the whole event. Without their initiative, the whole affair would not even exist.

Why is he on hunger strike? At the end of April 2016 the City Court in Prague ruled in favour of his release from remand. But, after the state attorney appealed this decision, the high court ruled to extend his remand. Martin has gone on hunger strike in protest of this decision.


For more information about Operation Fénix, Martin’s case and the hunger strike see:

A call for international solidarity has been made. Here’s info for the embassy in London if you wanna organise something or contact them about Martin;

Embassy of the Czech Republic in London: 26-30 Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W8 4QY

Telephone: (+44) 20 7243 1115


You can also write to Martin here at this address;

Martin Ignačák 10.8.1986
V.V. Praha – Pankrác
P.O.BOX – 5
Praha 4
140 57


… and ACAB 4evs

About londonabc

London Anarchist Black Cross, is a collective set up with the aim of supporting prisoners: political prisoners, people in detention centers or just people fucked over by the capitalist system.
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