Reading for 6/4

For this week’s conversation, we are looking at The Good Men Project to have a conversation about what makes (or doesn’t make?) our work different from their approach. Specifically, we will be discussing their “About Us” page.

Additionally we will be reading an article published on the website titled “The Patterns In Mass Shootings and a Conversation About Men.”

Reading for 4/2

dangerous-cover1-194x300Our next reading is the zine “Dangerous Spaces: Violent Resistance, Self-Defense, and Insurrectional Struggle Against Gender.”

– “Anarcha-Feminists Take to the Streets”
– “Safety is an Illusion”
– “Notes on Survivor Autonomy and Violence”
– “Dysphoria Means Total Destroy”
– “An Insurrectional Practice Against Gender”
+ 14 communiques

It is available formatted for on-screen reading or for printing.

Reading for 3/12

Support ZineFor our reading this week, we will be reading the zine “Support.” It is available as a PDF here.

A brief description of “Support:”

In a time when sexual assault and abuse are an increasing problem; even in so-called radical and punk communities, and when most women have been sexually abused in one way or another, Cindy Crabb (Doris Zine) brings us a document showing ways to prevent sexual violence and support survivors of sexual abuse. The zine helps to define consent, some letters that Cindy has received, listening, talking about sex, power dynamics, comics by Fly, and much more! A crucial resource that reads much like a regular issue of Doris.