What I Should Have Said 01-30-2016

There is a substitute…

p. 152…my sponsor’s favorite page…There is a substitue…it is fellowship…it is being around people that understand without you having to say a word…being around people that don’t push or bully you into quitting anything…that provide a safe place (a home) where you can try to be a productive member of society…a safe place to find God.

The beginning of fellowship is actually in taking step 5…in actually beginning to share some of the most painful things you’ve kept to yourself with another…and then finding out they have some that are worse.  It says that if you skip this vital step you might not overcome drinking…might not overcome evil…might not overcome temptation.  If we don’t learn to get current and then use prayer and the the seeking of wise counsel to stay current we will be eternally shut off from fellowship with God and His Son Jesus Christ.



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