Another threatening email from Paul Tzanos

An email was received from Tzanos shortly after exposing his perjury on this public forum. He rightfully sounds  bit annoyed.

Below are his theories and and exceptionally intelligent effort to get WW to provide contact details.

Hang in there Mr Tzanos, I’m sending you ALL my contact information in the next 5 minutes! :)

A full response to his allegations and theories will be published shortly. In the meantime, enjoy his warped conclusions!


Suspended VPS due to your complaint‏

From: Paul Tzanos (
Sent: 19 February 2014 03:42:58 PM
To: Walter White (
Cc: (; (

Attachments: 1 attachment
OneNebula Judgment – 8 February 2013.pdf (540.9 KB)

Dear Mr White,

Thank you for your prompt response to our complaint.

Please note that the entire article is defamatory in nature and contravenes a court order dated 13th February 2013. As you can understand, we have taken legal advice from the outset of this matter (starting in 2012), and we have been advised that any statement that serves to diminish the reputation of a person or company is prima facie (on the face of the matter) defamatory. In this context, your article is clearly defamatory, and you would have to prove the existence of a valid defence if you were taken to court . We strongly urge you to immediately withdraw all the defamatory statements, as defined above, from the website and any other forum that you control or to which you have input, failing which we will strongly consider taking legal action against you as well.

We assume that given your extensive and detailed comments relating to the litigation between ourselves and Mr Hansen, you would have familiarised yourself with the court order or at least have had sight thereof. Please see the attached for your ease of reference. This order prohibits Mr Hansen from making any further defamatory statements regarding our company.

With regards to the criminal activity, we will unfortunately not provide you with legal advice – this can be sought from your own legal representatives, but we will place on record that being in contempt of a court order is a criminal offence, and any party assisting the perpetrator will be charged as an accessory to the fact . This however, does not even deal with the contents of the article which in itself amounts to other criminal charges.

Lastly, we would like to advise that we have a strong suspicion that “Walter White” is Paul Hansen for the following reasons:

1. The assertions made are the same untrue assertions which Mr Hansen presented to the court and many contain information which is only within his personal knowledge;
2. New untrue assertions have been made which was not presented at court and could only have been obtained by Paul Hansen as the facts underlying such assertions are not public knowledge;
3. The edited or new version of the article that has been posted this week tries to hide the flaws that created the suspicion in the first article that it might have been written by Paul Hansen, but in actual fact strengthens the suspicion that it is indeed Paul Hansen;
4. The other two amended articles relating to Dirk Smit and Errol Hendricks also attempt to clean up certain flaws, but actually reveal Paul Hansen to be the source of the information.

If we are wrong in assuming that Walter White is Paul Hansen, then we invite you to provide us with all Walter’s contact details, so that we can ascertain for ourselves whether they are one and the same person or not. Should you decline to do so, we will have no choice other than to assume our suspicion is correct.

We await your urgent response and confirmation that the site and all articles relating to us (wherever they may be publicised) have been removed.

My career as a high school chemistry teacher was merely a means of providing an income to my family. After I had ben diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, I needed to do something to protect my family. You know the rest of the story. The story, however, doesn't end as you would expect it to. I'm not dead.... I now travel the world helping other ordinary people protect their families.
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