Trot Stuff

I have been a bit late with this part but here it is.

So at the end of the People’s Assembly demo on Saturday 21st a few of us had a little altercation
with the SWP in Parliament Square. All along the route we were giving the SWP shit and calling
them out on their rape apology and police collusion in getting anti-fascists nicked.

It was really just an exchange of words until one gobby little middle-class shit-head began assaulting
someone among our group. I challenged them on this (With significant distance between me and the person doing the assaulting)
by saying “Wooo, don’t fucking touch her, get your hands off her”. The one doing the assaulting then got up in my face saying “don’t you hit me, don’t you dare put your hands on me” and then another middle-class SWP shit-bag gets right up in my face telling me to “stop hitting women” (Despite being a significant distance away from the one doing the assaulting and not actually laying a hand upon anyone!). I then respond with “no, I don’t assault women, I’m not in the SWP” and then, quite outrageously I was informed by one of the SWP shit-rag pushers that my dress was “intimidating to women”, my dress consisting of white trainers, jeans and a blue Rockport jacket…stuff of Ted Bundy that is! I was then asked by the same person “why do you have your face covered?”…errrm, really? I then said “are you mad? Where? I don’t have my face covered! Look!” (Waving my hands in front of my face), I did not actually have my face covered at all.

Then some middle-class tool of an SWPer started by saying to me (In a nice middle-class accent) “why don’t you just fuck off back to your public school, go on, go home to mummy and daddy” and “you’re all insignificant” (Why you getting riled up then?).

I then flipped simply because here was a middle-class Trot calling me, a working-class person (Something he probably wishes or thinks he is), “middle-class” this and that.
So I just started telling him “just fuck off you middle-class arsehole” bla bla bla and obviously because he was playing the prole that
day he did not like that and got so angry that other SWPers had to take him away. Usually this would not have bothered me, you get used to it and you just take it on the chin and laugh. What bothered me was the bare faced cheek of the little shit!

Then one of them started on someone else I was with saying “you’re just a little girl, you know nothing, you’re just a little girl” (Ageism anyone?). Nice to know you are the ones that will give any youth a voice.

Then out of nowhere this random lad pops up and starts having a go at the SWP by saying things like “why are you still here?, what are you doing?” and some other things I did not really hear. The SWP said in response “you know nothing, run along” and he then said to the SWP “I used to be in Bristol SWP, I know exactly what you’re all like” and “I had the sense to leave” and what did the SWP say in response? Nothing! What could they say to that? Here is someone actually in the know, knows it from the inside ripping them apart.
So I shook his hand and we wished each other well and then we left the SWP and fucked off to find the others billeted in a pub just off Parliament. Also on another unusual and positive note, I walked away simply because I could not be arsed anymore. So I went to get an anti-fascist leaflet in support of Ukranian anti-fascists which I seen someone handing out. They were from the Morning Star and actually expressed disbelief at the attitude and behaviour of the SWP. The Morning Star siding with anarchists? Well I suppose there is a first for everything. Nice one!

Consclusion? I am a middle-class public school mammy and daddy’s boy lifestyleist who is only going to end up getting a job in the City of London anyway (Projection?). This whilst assaulting women who are standing a significant distance away from me (Way out of reach), dressing in an intimidating manner (Casual) and covering my face despite not actually covering it. I suppose that is me told then! Oh, an if you are young then you know absolutely NOTHING and do not deserve a voice and a critical stance.
Where the SWP is concerned though they are a bunch of increasingly insignificant rabbid patronising, insincere middle/upper-class rape apologist ageist hysterical knackers.
We do not really need to confront them in order to bring them down, they do that for themselves. I think we should do this because it is a laugh and it rubs salt into the wound whilst watching go further and further down. What was interesting though was the fact that they never came back with a direct response on the rape apology accusations instead coming back with unrelated drivel and own self-projections. But really? What could they say and do in response to what is common knowledge anyway? Deny it and dig a deeper hole for themselves? They can not deny it but each little word they utter they are digging a deeper and deeper hole for themselves so how about helping them on a little?

Peace out!

(Note: I use a lot of “middle-class” this and middle-class that but I will create a post about first what I think working-class and the class system is and second, clarifying my thoughts and opinions on middle-class activists)

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