A statement from National Action at last!

Now this is a No Platform blog so I am not going to post their statement (If you want to read it then I am sure you can find it online) but after their total humiliation and physical defeat in Liverpool 7 days ago they have finally got around to releasing a statement. It had only taken them 6 days to write it but I suppose a good fantasy is not easy to write.

In their statement they claimed that they went to Liverpool to protest against “vile communism” but what “greeted” them “was a scene from hell”. Now this is very true, they were given hell that day however the rest of the statement is just a pile of wank!

They claimed that their mighty North West MMA fighters totalled a load of us at the station, pure bollocks. All photos and videos prove this to be bollocks. In fact I would like to invite National Action to apply for the CCTV footage in and around Lime Street station (Which is their entitlement). If they are so confident that a lot of us got knocked out then they will have no problems obtaining this footage and publishing it online to prove themselves right and us wrong. But they will not because they know the truth, we know the truth, every other report knows the truth (Even other right-wing reports), witnesses know the truth and anyone who has seen footage or photos knows the truth. It is a clear case of projection an trying to save face just like they tried to after getting battered in Newcastle. Even the little social inadequate Jack Renshaw admitted they got creamed that day! So I invite National Action to prove this part of their fairy tale as it would be so easy to do so by obtaining CCTV footage in and around the station which they are perfectly entitled to do so. Yes I am calling their bluff! Anyway if we did get KO’ed from their mythical North West MMA fighters (If they have any they were not there or did fuck all) then how the hell did they end up in the situation they ended up in? Does not stand up to much scrutiny really.

Another load of bollocks is that they ‘stood their ground’. If that is ‘standing your ground’  then fellas, I would try harder next time. You had no choice but to stand there, there was nowhere you could move to except the left luggage area or out of the station under the protection of your bodyguards, the police. Hiding in left luggage is not standing your ground, having to be escorted out of the station and out of Merseyside under police protection is not standing your ground either. Yourselves and your mates having the shit kicked out of them is not standing your ground so you can either a) admit what everyone already knows (Including yourselves) or b) carry on being deluded and a laughing stock. The ball is in your court on this one!

I said to my mate on the concourse of Lime Street station last Saturday “I would love to see how they are going to spin this” and indeed it has arrived and spinning it is…on its head! I really thought they would come out with less bullshit but I guess I can not be right every time.