There are no good cops!

Apparently the New York Police Department are making arrests “only when they have to”.

So basically the NYPD have admitted that some, if not most, of the arrests that they make are when they do not really need to. This goes to show that they are on one big power trip!


Anyway, New York residents have notice that the absence of police has made little or no negative impact on their lives. We do not need the police!

One thought on “There are no good cops!

  1. Thought I’d say I’d like some more expansion on these kinds of points but of course see the conflict of interest and ultimate business models of institutions in general… something like how specifically would be good.
    I also wanted to say the other stuff on your blog, for me and as a general theme, I would delete. So being more clear I mean the pointing at people, killers and other more extreme things, and stick to the less blameful (there are lots of troll, twisted humans etc) and I think it does good to keep it less about others in that way and more about you… or at least mention these in a more relative way to you.

    To be even more clearer, these things I think go further away in your blog titles and content, Prince Andrew, UKIP, Delusion of a Stalinist (which is short but still far away), Truly disturbing… (sort of a porn / obsession for ‘oh look how bad they are’)
    …and then the great things or let’s say neutral but more universally true or practical
    – “there are no good cops” (so it wasn’t just bashing them making your feelings known it was more neutral)
    – Bailiff bash trashed! A good report on action
    – “don’t be shy!” is about you and encouraging others for clarity…

    Hope you like… Ciao

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