Don’t be shy!

Anarchists, in the U.K. at least, seem to be too scared of stating our values, intentions, methods and goals to the point of watering down our message.

I am not scared to tell people that we aim for:

– The complete upturn and transformation of this world.

– The complete subversion of society, the state and all other institutions of capitalism.

– The undermining, destruction and overthrow of PARLIAMENTARY democracy.

– The complete subversion of the values of capitalist society.

– Insurrections are part of revolutions and they either come sooner or later. This is a period of conflict and will not be pure, clean, rosey and without its faults.

One thought on “Don’t be shy!

  1. I agree that people, (not sure if I can use Anarchists) but I would say even almost everyone, seems to be too scared of stating our values, intentions, methods and goals to the point of watering down our message… in person and elsewhere… or they just don’t know it well enough (never wrote it down for example)…. or quite rightly wouldn’t write it down… but then some people write it in the wrong place… either way knowing and writing it to one’s self is definitely a good start and helps prepare people for discussing things otherwise they use others to adjust their values… and might have less methodical/motivational way without this foundational layer & root… x

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