More lies!

More lies this time from state assets Searchlight…

Just a couple of things:

1) Searchlight: ” It was interesting how RT totally ignored the Unite Against Fascism anti-nazi demonstration supported by a range of Labour and trade union organisations, and gave big coverage to the Anti-Fascist Network, which contains some people more interested in “street theatre” and letting off smoke bombs”.

The truth: Perhaps they were more concentrated on the AFN because they were the ones (Along with unaligned locals and those in the AFN’s orbit) who organised and participated in the events on the concourse at Lime Street station. Watch the videos, read the accounts and view the pictures and you will see for yourself.

2) Searchlight: ” The bulk of Liverpudlians who have a solid reputation as anti-fascist activists concentrated on stopping the small number of nazis who actually made it to Liverpool from leaving Lime Street station”

The truth: Which was organised and attended by the AFN most of whom are locals. But to be fair it is true that most of the people in attendance are unaligned local Merseysiders or move in the AFN’s orbit (But are independent from it).

So go and give your head a shake Searchlight and get back to your desks at Thames House.