Tag Archives: vegan

Towards a Vegan Ideology: Anarchist Rob Murdoch argues that veganism is not enough

The following is an article that featured in The Vegan magazine in Autumn 1989. “The intellectually lazy among us see veganism as the ‘be all and end all’ – a panacea for the world’s ills. Others recognize that although wide-ranging … Continue reading

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Effective Altruism for Animals: Consideration for different value systems

Recently i’ve been giving more thought to the issue of diversity and inclusion in Effective Altruism, and part of this process included wondering how the Foundational Research Institute (FRI) had considered issues around diversity[i] and inclusion at its inception. I … Continue reading

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Eating some animals to rescue others? How addressing speciesism can help more animals

I recently came across a fundraiser for a cat and dog shelter near Bristol, and whilst it’s really worthwhile supporting groups that are helping cats and dogs, it is worth considering that in terms of animal suffering cat and dog … Continue reading

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An interview with Tom Regan

The Vegan, Winter 2006, Archive. Tom Regan is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at North Carolina State University. He is also an uncompromising ‘Animal Rights Advocate’ (ARA). In his latest book Empty Cages – Facing the Challenge of Animal Rights he … Continue reading

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Addressing movement politics to improve animal advocacy

I think it could be fair to say that people are generally reluctant to deal with the fairly opaque politics of the animal movement.  This could be for several reasons, including the idea of taking time away from grassroots animal … Continue reading

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The Cows of Bristol Harbourfront

This is a guest blog that originally appeared at Vegan Bristol. The recent Bristol Post article titled ‘Two cows to mooove into Bristol Harbourfront’ provided a distinctly one sided account of animal farming, that appears to have been devised to … Continue reading

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A few thoughts on the animal rights movement

It seems fair to say that Tom Regan has made a profound contribution to the modern animal rights movement, and in this television interview with William Friday, Regan offers a broad introduction to animal rights theory.   In more recent times … Continue reading

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A few thoughts on elitism in the animal movement

One of the central tenets of veganism is how the vegan lifestyle should be generally accessible to all.  This is to say that emphasising animal rights ought to lead to a way of social organisation that includes foundational ideas of … Continue reading

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Tolerance, ‘division’ and appropriation: Strategy for a mainstream monoculture

In some ways it might be claimed there are two prevailing views within the animal movement; one suggests that we can achieve our aims within the system (mainstream) and the other which suggests that a ‘justice for all’ approach is … Continue reading

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Q and A with Saryta Rodriguez

Following on from a recent ARZone podcast i was really fortunate to be able to ask Saryta Rodriguez some questions about her book ‘Until Every Animal is Free’ I hope you find the following questions and answers as interesting as … Continue reading

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