Back after a two year hiatus, the Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair, sponsored by The Cunningham Amendment, will take place on Saturday 10th December at Islington Mill, James Street, off Chapel Street, Salford, M3 5HW.
Stallholders include Manchester Class War, Zapatista Collective, Hackspace, Strike! magazine, Footprint Workers Cooperative, Manchester Industrial Workers of the World, AK Press, Pumpkin Records, Manchester Green & Black Cross, Bolton Diggers, Manchester No Prison, Active Distribution and many others.
An excellent programme of workshops includes: Worker’s Power in Under An Hour, Mary Quaile, Fighting Future Prisons, Rojava An Anarchist Perspective, The Zapatistas: New Initiatives and Critical Thinking in the Face of the Capitalist Hydra, They got their country back: Nationalism
There is also a Bookfair after-party at Islington Mill, starting at 7.45pm. Entry is £5 and bands are Autonomads, The Lab Rats, Attempts, Holiday and Coproach.
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