Who to vote for, what to vote for, how to vote for…?

Local Election, National Election, this Party, that Party, Our Party, Your Party, Councillior A, Councillior B, Vote for she, vote for he!!

I once made a point in sayin “I would rather vote for the winner, and work for the loser”.  Its a game innit?  A gamble? No point placing your money on the loser, might aswell place it on the winner, and work your love and effort into the loser by handing out leflets and making change on the streets.  That way I couldn’t loose, well… unless whoever I voted for didn’t win!

That was some time ago, now a days…?  I belive its still a game, a game I play like this…  Work for the people, the people in my community (whatever I choose my community to be).  Vote for a local councillior (the one who is going to make the effort work for the people seriously in need, in a fair way).  Vote for an MP (the one thats going to best work for and represent my constituency fairly).  So – Community, Ward, and Constituency they all might be different, however all chosen on the basis of what needs doing and who will do it best.