Monthly Archives: December 2014

UWE students and Bristol citizens involve their MPs to hold UWE accountable

A group of current and former UWE students and Bristol-based citizens have contacted their MPs to request their support to review UWE accountable for the university’s involvement in the repression of student protests against the “UWE arms fair” and the obstruction of the subsequent campaign demanding an independent review.

If you want to join this action, please feel free to do so. We’ve pasted a template letter below, which you can use and adapt, after you’ve found who is your MP. Please cc us if/when you email your MP and keep us informed about their response: uwe.better.together [at] gmail [dot] com.

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UWE fails to act after repression of student protest (updated online version)

Today, the WesternEye released online an updated version of the article published last month in the student newspaper. If you want to read it, check it out here.