Other Redbricks community groups
Shout – The email discussion list of the Redbricks This email list has been going for years. Anyone who has lived on the estate. It really is for anything. It’s the first stop for finding out about volunteer groups or getting volunteers for your project. Subscribe here.
Tenants & Residents’ Association (TARA) Meets every 1st Thursday of the month, at the TARA office, 26a Humberstone Avenue (entrance on street level near big recycling bins). 6:30-7pm is open to all, after that it’s for committee members only. The email of TARA is tara at redbricks.org More info
Greening the Redbricks Greening the Redbricks is a sustainability group for people on the Bentley House Estate to improve green spaces, composting, recycling and other environmental improvements. It meets regularly on the first Tuesday of the month (same venue as above), alternating start times: 5:30pm in June 2012, 6:30 in July 2012 and so on… The earlier time is attended by City South Manchester too. More details. It has an email list here.
Bentley Bike Club – bicycle maintenance help Every first full weekend of the month, 1-4pm. Bring along your bike if it’s a bit poorly, and there’ll be people on hand to help you fix it up. If you’ve spare parts or unwanted bicycles, please donate them. On the northern cut-through between Humberstone Avenue & ‘Letsbe Avenue’ (wooded area). Contact details and more
Bentley Exchange – bring and take table Every first full weekend of the month – put things you don’t want out on the Saturday, from about noon; take things you do want till the Sunday at about 6pm. On the southern cut-through between Humberstone Avenue & ‘Letsbe Avenue’ (wooded area). Please don’t put stuff out that doesn’t work or late on the Sunday, as it’ll probably go straight to landfill. Volunteers needed to help clear up and help sort at the end, with stuff fit for charity shops needing to be taken there. To volunteer keep an eye out for shouts on the Redbricks / Shout email list. More info
People’s Kitchen Currently not happening regularly due to venue problems. But there are one off ones happening from time to time, especially in the summer. It has been a weekly (till recently) vegan community meal for £1.50, cooked by volunteers from the estate, going for over 10 years. Any surplus money goes to good community causes, picked by the cooks. There have been Christmas banquets and Hallowe’en special meals. Keep a look out for posters or for shouts on the Redbricks / Shout email list. More info
Redbricks.org webteam This is a new group to create a Bentley House community website. They are meeting up to create and publicise the website and train people how to use it. To get involved look out for shout on the Redbricks email list or contact redbricks.web at gmail.com
Leaf Street Community Garden Leaf Street is a community garden that anyone is welcome to use and garden in. It is also a group of gardeners with a bank account who get funding for tools and organise community events and workdays to help people get involved. Get involved and other info.
The Bentley Bugle The Bentley Bugle is a 4 page newsletter written by Bentley House residents and distributed free of charge to all the houses on the Estate. There is a call out for articles before every edition. To get involved keep an eye out for shouts on the Redbricks email list (see above) More info