
Internet access per flat costs £5 for 1 user, £7 for 2 users or £9 for 3 users, per calendar month.  Intranet access is free.  After you’ve provided an email address, a password and paid, you’ll receive an account to login with for Internet access.

Our prefered means of payment is a bank standing order.  You can setup a standing order within your Internet banking facility, you can print the form attached to this page, or you can collect a form from RIC (come find us).

The RIC bank account number is 65273209 and sort code is 08-92-99.  Please set a payment date of the 15th of each month and use as our reference either your name or your RIC username so we know who the payment is from.  Let us know as soon as you’ve done this.

Alternatively you can pay by cash or cheque in person.  You can do this on the second Monday of each month at the TARA office at 26a Humberstone Ave, between 6pm and 7pm only.  Please ensure you bring the correct amount, as we may not have any change.  Please consider setting up a bank standing order as that takes a lot less of our volunteer time to administer.


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