Terms & Conditions of Use
Your continued internet use requires that you do not download or upload more than a combined total of 50GB per month (similar to BT’s ‘heavy user’ service which costs over £31/month plus line rental and a long contract).
Everything you download or stream adds up, e.g. a 44 minute 640×360 dots per inch resolution film is 0.5GB large; or, the BBC’s iPlayer streams at 350 megabytes per hour in standard definition (as of early 2009). We monitor the total each person downloads.
Don’t use peer2peer software (or similar) as it tends to act very aggressively, consuming concurrent Internet connections at a massive rate, slowing down Internet access for everyone else in favour of yourself. We consider this a very unfriendly act and will act to cut you off should you do this. Shoring our systems against peer2peer software costs us time, effort and money. Despite our efforts it still isn’t possible to block all peer2peer use. Dealing with peer2peer software in real-time whilst it is actively consuming Internet connections is labour intensive and demoralising.