

I am a working class revolutionary socialist and by that I do not mean Leninism, anarchism, Trotskyism or whatever else. I literally mean just that, revolutionary socialism. Revolutionary because I believe in revolution not reform and socialism because well, I am a socialist.

I take socialism at its most basic points. Worker’s control of production, self-defence, abolition of capitalism; opposition to the state, opposition to all forms of reaction. This is in addition to the promotion of working class pride, unity and emancipation, community/workplace activism and direct action. The socialism which I believe in is the socialism of James Connolly, Anton Pannekoek, Fred Hampton (Black Panther Party), Rosa Luxemburg, etc. I am also inspired by the organisations Red Action, Anti-Fascist Action, James Connolly Society and the Independent Working Class Association. I also support the Worker-Dandyist International and, in the spirit of internationalism, the Front Deutscher Äpfel (German Apple Front). We can actually sometimes have a laugh whilst also making a serious point. In the case of the Worker-Dandyist International, we can also look good whilst having that laugh. We do not always have to be boring fuckers!

I first got involved in working class politics through the anti-globalisation movement and campaigning in solidarity with sex workers’ struggles. Eventually I began to branch out into other areas such as anti-fascism, union struggles, wider anti-capitalist work, international solidarity and a very brief dabbling with anti-fracking. I am also a huge supporter of redskins (socialist skinheads), despite not being a skinhead myself.

Here I will attempt to present the case for working class pride, unity and the downfall of capitalism and the state together with its values.

  • Daily Opinion: my daily opinions on issues. I will write these every day but sometimes I may miss days, as I will be either organising offline, doing something else in life, or just devoid of opinion that specific day.
  • Article Of The Month: I will attempt to write a full article on a chosen topic, each month. Formerly “Article Of The Week“.
  • News In Brief: a brief round-up of the week’s events in the big bad wider world. That is if there is any worth bothering to write about.
  • Graphic Of The Week: as it says on the tin, a weekly graphic which I have created or subverted.

So sit back and enjoy, be appalled or bored.

What I am reading at the moment: The Wheel’s Still In Spin (David John Douglass), The Red Army Faction Volume 1: Projectiles For The People (J. Smith and Andre Moncourt), and Blacklisted: The Secret War Between Big Business And Union Activists (Dave Smith and Phil Chamberlain).