Category Archives: General

Four more S144 defendants walk free!

Another four people have been found “Not Guilty” of the criminal offence introduced in September 2012. They were arrested at a building in Scrutton Street in March. After over six months on bail, their trial took place at Stratford in … Continue reading

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legal workshops for squatters

We’ve been doing some legal workshops in different squats around London this month. Thank you to the crews who have already hosted these; hopefully you found them useful. These cover the basics of both criminal and civil law as they … Continue reading

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spotter card project underway!

We want to make SPOTTER CARDS! To aid in the identification of bailiffs, security guards, cops, other thugs & agents of darkness… INFORMATION = POWER if we know who’s fucking with us we can fight back against them; better defend … Continue reading

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Squatting ≠ Aggravated Trespass

We have recently been made aware of at least three incidents in which occupied buildings were attended by cops who threatened the occupants with arrest and charges of Aggravated Trespass unless they vacate the building.   In most squatting cases, … Continue reading

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Nine squatters imprisoned for eviction resistance at the Ubica, Utrecht

On Tuesday, June 4, the nine detainees arrested after resisting the eviction of the famous squat UBICA in Utrecht, NL, were sentenced to between 4 and 6 weeks imprisonment. In addition, they are liable for a compensation charge of 15,000€. … Continue reading

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Statement from the two Brighton squatters aquitted of s144 charges

From; Statement At Adjournment of the Trial Today the squatting trial in Brighton was adjourned until the 24th May as it ran out of time due to extreme faffing. Two squatters had already had the case against them thrown … Continue reading

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Squatter Jailed Under New Law

ASS press statement 27/9/12   Today is a sad day. A young man has been jailed for living in an empty property.   Presumably, like many thousands of people trying to live in London, he couldn’t find somewhere more secure, … Continue reading

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The first 3 weeks of S144

News is dribbling in of use of the new anti-squat law, through various routes. Some police forces have tweeted their use of the law but with no confirmation, some councils have proudly announced being the first to use it, all … Continue reading

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Fighting LASPO S144

Section 144 of the LASPO bill came into effect on September the 1st, making squatting in residential buildings a criminal offence. The Advisory Service for Squatters has produced new legal warnings for squatters, including one for  non-residential buildings and a … Continue reading

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Squatting is Still Legal – a short update from the Advisory Service for Squatters

Squatting is still legal It will remain legal in non-residential properties, but a new law is going through the final farcical stages of parliamentary approval that is meant to make squatting in residential property a crime. The law still needs … Continue reading

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