Tag Archives: Media

The Press Get Mad at the Nomad

In the build-up the eviction of Dale Farm, it seems like the ‘local’ press in Essex (most of which is actually owned and run by Newsquest, just in case you had any illusions that your local paper was actually local … Continue reading

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Mass Media and Mass Murder

The recent attacks in Norway were a tragedy – there’s no question about that. What has been pretty questionable though, has been the mainstream press’ reaction to them and the fairly explicit links between themselves and the attacker. As soon … Continue reading

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The News of The World is dead… Long live the News of The World!

Anyone who’s been awake in the UK these last few weeks will have seen, heard and smelt the stink kicked up by the revelations of what’s been going on at News International – hacking the phones of dead school girls … Continue reading

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