Generation Identified – Spotters Guide to British Identitarians

During our research into Identity England, we uncovered further concerns involving the movements of ex-Generation Identity UK & Ireland members – while it appears that many of them are already supporting this rebooted identitarian outfit led by Charlie Fox, they’ve also been keeping busy in their own right – not just within the fash-sphere, but spreading their ideology through seemingly apolitical environmental groups (such as Local Matters) as well as permeating politically centrist pro-devolution groups such as the Yorkshire Party – with their fellow party organisers likely not suspecting a thing.
As researchers, we believe that information sharing is paramount to effectively fighting fascism, and so we have decided to release the names, faces and other leads and information on Generation Identity UK and Ireland activists.
Should fellow antifascist information gatherers be interested, we have a similar sheet with more detailed findings, you can request this by emailing us at arc-161 [A] If you have information you would like us to add to the spotters sheet, please feel free to email us at the same address!
Have fun. We’ll end this post with some notable discoveries.
Nick Scanlon
- DOB 15/11/1992
- Believed to reside in Lee in South-East London (SE12 area)

Nick Scanlon is already active in Identity England and was a participant in their launch banner drop. He’s also been keeping busy elsewhere – not only is he in the Patriotic Alternative South East regional group (thanks to his old GI mate Adam in the London group for snitching!), he’s an active participant in the “groyper” groups, and looks like he’s partial to distributing neo-nazi Hundred Handers stickers too.
Despite being fairly young, Nick has been active on the ethno-nationalist scene for some time and was radicalised at the age of 14 through watching BNP videos – he even ran as a BNP candidate during 2014 local elections for Greenwich council.

Adam McDermont
- Believed to reside in Croydon, South London (CR0 area)
- Recently studied at Birkbeck, University of London
- Support Worker at Evolve Housing in Croydon

Adam McDermont is an active participant in the Patriotic Alternative London regional group, and was present for the recent debacle in Sevenoaks which saw antifascists confront and ruin PA’s Halloween hike. He is featured in that sorry mini-banner drop as the person in the incredibly horrible patchwork trouser. He often release articles or vlogs under aliases – “Adam Somerset” or “Adam KM” or “Adam of Albion” and has previously organised with For Britain as well as the fleeting failure that was Liberty GB.

Patrick Carragher
- Believed to reside in Knottingley, West Yorkshire (WF11 area)

Since GI, Patrick has chosen to take a foray into much more local politics, and recently got elected onto the Executive Committee of the Yorkshire Party. To be clear, Patrick has not changed his white supremacist views and is actively involved in pushing replacement theory through other activist pursuits.
Patrick is also a co-founder of a group along with follow ex-GI members Charlie Shaw and Ethan “Lancaster”, which – much in the way that British Revival intended, seeks to masquerade as an environmentalist group that aims to radicalise its supporters toward replacement theory, called “Local Matters”. Local Matters has been explained and linked to Generation Identity members in an article from Vice published earlier today.

Ethan Megrath aka Nicholas James
- Lives in Liverpool, Merseyside (L36)

Ethan Megrath, having seemingly changed his name to Nicholas James recently, is an activist in Local Matters and a Hundred Handers stickerer according to his old twitter account (recently suspended). He’s also got several printing/apparel schemes on the go, including “Patriotic Printing”, mostly which involves the breaching of copyright law to make naff nationalist-themed apparel, and printing work for other nationalist pursuits, including “Green England” – yet another GI “environmentalist” front group.

Liam Murphy
- DOB 06/01/1995
- Believed to reside in Liverpool

Liam Murphy, along with being yet another ex-GI activist in Local Matters, has started his own graphics venture with a fellow nationalist called “Polywave Media”. Polywave are intended to be a thing and were recently featured in “SCUM Media” (Lucy Brown’s new venture) on their artist spotlight page – essentially, they’re making mediocre Youtube videos and fashwave graphics, but intend to platform and provide services for others who follow their “identitarian” fascist idealogy.

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