Olympic Compulsory Purchases

Like the other Olympic games and as with the Arsenal Stadium business ( where they want luxury flats and a mega casino ) and people are getting the boot by politicians and their mates in big business. We all know that much money has been wasted on consultants and propaganda lying about how this will benefit us all ( just as with ALMOs and any other PPP/PFI project -).

Well evictions, compuslory purchases, fares increases, council tax increases, more dodgy property speculation, pollution from the flights to the Olympics, plus devastation of wildlfie habitatas and pollution from the development ( the construction industry is responsible for 50% of emissions causing global warming ). We could also compare this with the corrupt shennanigans in Snowdonia National Park last year where Low Impact Sustainable Housing was destroyed ( search Indymedia for articles on Tony Wrench’s Roundhouse )yet many holiday homes for a corporate company were approved. But this is planning and development all over. Corrupt ( whether that is legal or moral you can decide ).The following BBC report does not mention that tennats have been told that they will have ONLY ONE choice of relocation so if the housing is unfit than they and the communities they are currently with are doublely shafted.
The BBC article:- Olympic land’s compulsory orders

An order securing land needed for the 2012 Olympic Games has been issued by the London Development Agency (LDA).

The compulsory purchase order (CPO) was issued for a 345 hectare site in east London, which has some private housing and more than 270 businesses.

But many of the companies in the Marshgate Lane area of Stratford say they are being forced out.

The LDA, the mayor’s business arm, says it is still prepared to negotiate individual voluntary agreements.

Manny Lewis, chief executive of the LDA, said: “This CPO is a necessary and important step towards the transformation of the Lower Lea Valley and the delivery of the Olympic Park.

Communities ‘boosted’

“The regeneration of this area will give local communities the boost they deserve.

“A legacy of 9,000 new homes, double the number of jobs in the Olympic zone area alone, business opportunities, social facilities, including schools, more green space and, of course, fantastic new sports venues.


What’s the point in regenerating it [the area], when you are going to destroy 300 good businesses and 10,000 jobs
Marshgate Lane businessman Lance Forman

“The issuing of the CPO does not mean the end of negotiations and, indeed, we would much prefer voluntary agreements with businesses and other land owners.”

The majority of those affected will be relocated by the summer of 2007.

One of those affected is Lance Forman who runs a family-owned salmon smoking operation.

He said: “Businesses like our ours are not after compensation. What we want is a site we can operate from that is as good as the one we’ve got.

“One that give us the same access to the City and West End, so that we can run our businesses successfully like we have done for 100 years.

“What’s the point in regenerating it [the area], when you are going to destroy 300 good businesses and 10,000 jobs.”

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