Tag Archives: birthday

ASS 30th Birthday & Bookfair

Its 30 years of ASS this October ( OK you can quibble about the date as some count Feb and some June I believe – Mr P will probably correct me :) ) .

ASS will be at the the wonderful Anarchist Bookfair – which is on Saturday 22nd October at the Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Road ( next door to the nice n cheap Coronet pub ) .

At the Bookfair we will be announcing our change of address ( the new office will then be ready, honest ) to above Freedom Bookshop at Angel alley, Whitechapel High St. as well as dispensing advice, flogging handbooks, and looking for staff!

With regard to after the Bookfair ASS will be going to the amazing 4th Okupational Hazard SquatFest in London where we will have a stall ….

Rampart Social Centre Birthday

Rampart 1st Birthday

Rampart Social Centre in London E1 is known for a variety of activities such as Internet Radio, video editing, band rehearsal, benefit events, and skillsharing projects. It is one of a few squatted political spaces that have sprung up around the country in the past few years. This weekend, May 21st, will see Rampart Street celebrate it’s first birthday.

A year is a long time in squatting in the UK with 2-5 months being typical.

Ramparts operate under the principles of ” non-hierarchical DIY culture” with a “strong emphasis on conscensus decision making” working on a purely non commercial basis.

So to celebrate in typical Ramparts style we can expect live music, film screenings documenting Social centre projects, vegan food, chillout and live music. Check the calendar and the Ramparts website for more details.
