2 foxes saved from the Berkeley Hunt this morning

We were up at the crack of dawn this morning for another visit to The Berkeley Hunt who had spotter vehicles glued to us as soon as we entered their territory. The hunt met at a different location (no doubt to avoid having sab attention), but they were soon found and all eyes were on them.

We found ourselves in a decent position observing riders surrounding a wood and the huntsman encouraging his hounds to pick up a scent. We were ready to step into action but after 30 minutes of trying, failed in his quest.

The hunt moved off and we followed, despite riders trying to hold us up with the usual barrage of shit they give us.

As we approached the hunt from a distance we could hear hounds in full cry and two hunt supporters both alerted the hunt staff that a fox had been seen. At this point, the riders surrounding the wood were slapping their saddles in an attempt to scare the fox back into the pack of hounds. We quickly approached the area and were surrounded by hunt riders some of which had their faces covered (clearly as they knew they were being filmed illegally hunting). After a stand off the huntsman who now knew he had us for company, gathered his hounds up and headed for home.

Two foxes got away this morning thanks to us being in the right place at the right time.

Massive respect to our other sabs who are also out today in the cull zone opposing the badger killers. Thank you to all of you who have donated to our cull sab fund!

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