Badger cull update #1

We’re almost 2 weeks in to the second year of badger culling in west Somerset and sabs from Bristol have had a presence in the zone every night and most days since the start.

We had a fairly quiet first week, with us mainly looking out for signs of activity from the cullers and checking on setts and likely shooting/trapping spots, as well as backing up other sabs who were actively stopping shoots in their areas.

This last week has seen things step up a gear, with bait points found and more activity from known cull contractors both day and night. The last few nights have seen shooting in a number of areas. We have responded the best we can and are confident that we have moved on and stopped a couple of shoots, some in the same locations on consecutive nights.

Badger killers caught out in Somerset

Other successes have been seen across both cull zones; a lot of shooters have been stopped in their tracks, trapped badgers have been released from cages, those ‘pixies’ we heard so much about last year have apparently been dealing with any cages found and the intelligence picture on the cull and the scumbags carrying it out improves daily.

To carry on our activities against the badger killers we need your support- more people on the ground is vital if we are to successfully sabotage this years culls. Either get in touch with us, or join the nightly badger patrols who wander the footpaths of the zone and keep watch over setts (all perfectly legal) if that’s more your cup of tea. They meet between 7-8pm every night at Williton car park. We also need fuel funds to guarentee that we can have a vehicle out and about as much as possible. Please consider donating to our gofundme –

Massive respect & solidarity to all the sabs and badger patrollers out opposing the killers in west Somerset and west Gloucestershire. Together we can stop it.

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