Badger cull update #2

Sabs keep watch over the badger killing fields in west Somerset

We are now over half way through the 6 week badger cull in west Somerset. 

Since our previous update things have been pretty quiet with little evidence of night time ‘free shooting’ taking place, however, a lot more traps are now being found.

We have made good links with badger patrollers in our patch and neighbouring sab groups in the zone, meaning we can make sure vulnerable setts are guarded and areas are covered when needed.

Whilst we were doing our morning rounds yesterday we bumped into the West Somerset Foxhounds (who are kenneled at Carhampton). They were on the way to their meet at Crowcombe Park on the Quantock Hills and were not best pleased when they realised that they had a tail!

If you’re out badgering in Somerset, keep your eyes peeled for these other animal murderers in the area. There are a number of packs that hunt in and around the cull zone and you can guarantee that staff and supporters of some of these hunts are involved in the badger cull.

Numbers of anti-cull activists (finally) seems to have picked up in Somerset this last week, with our group managing to have 3 vehicles out last night! But as word reaches us that the cullers are coming close to hitting their target of killing 52 badgers per week in the Somerset zone, we need as many people out in the fields as possible as we enter the final couple of weeks!

Get in touch or join the badger patrols who meet between 7-8pm at Williton car park and help to stop the cull!


It’s been a busy week for us over all. As well as our anti-cull activity, some of our sabs held a stall at the LUSH cosmetics store in Bristol on Saturday which raised over £230 to help us do our thing. Others partook in some covert monitoring of a local hunt to gather intelligence which will no doubt prove useful later in the hunting season.

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