Badger cull update #3

An eventful few days and nights in the Somerset cull zone.Our pals Sheffield Saboteurs had a rookie thrown at their parked car which shattered the windscreen on Thursday evening and badger patrollers were intimidated by a number of people in pick-ups after a shooter was stopped earlier on in the night.
Last night sabs foiled a shoot simply with our presence in the area. Two of the grumpiest coppers we’ve met so far unsuccessfully took to trying to find sabs in the field and then followed vehicles for over 3 hours. For some reason they didn’t want to talk and offered no explanation as to why they were doing this, other than there being ‘no law against it, so why not?’

We were treated to fun and games by scumbag badger killer Sterling Babbage and his spawn (of Sandhill Farm, TA24 6HA), who took to shining lamping lights at people driving, attempts at blocking in and driving around country lanes without lights on. It would seem that the shooters get very desperate when they are unable to kill!
We hear that a number of shooters were stopped by groups across the Somerset cull zone last night.
Yesterday we also came across a deer caught in a barbed wire fence, which we freed.

Traveling back and fourth from the cull zone is expensive. Please donate to our fund to help keep us on the road for the next two weeks and beyond if you can:

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