Badger cull update #4

We are fast approaching the final week of the planned 6 weeks of badger culling in Somerset and Gloucestershire.

This last week we’ve seen a bit of activity. Shooters have been chased out of the area (despite crap attempts at evasive driving, a bit of water ain’t gunna stop Bristol Hunt Sabs!).

We have also helped stop shooters with neighbouring sab groups. Some of the farm boys got a bit upset by this and have tried their hand (unsuccessfully) at intimidation, mainly turning their anger on vehicles and in this case their lone occupants.

Cages intending to trap badgers continue to be found, as do bait points, and we continue to keep an eye out on known cull farms in our zone.

This is the blood of a badger shot in a cage found by our sabs in Somerset yesterday. Help stop this needless slaughter, join us in the field for the last week to help stop the cull

This is the blood of a badger shot in a cage found by our sabs in Somerset yesterday. Help stop this needless slaughter, join us in the field for the last week to help stop the cull

As you have probably heard by now, Gloucestershire cullers are well off target but they are much closer down in Somerset. We have just over a week left and if we want the Somerset cull to fail as well then we need all hands to the deck!

If you want to stop the killing of badgers and stop the roll out of the cull next year, NOW IS THE TIME TO GET INTO THE SOMERSET ZONE! Get in touch with us or join the Somerset Badger Patrol who meet nightly between 7-8pm at Williton carpark. Everyone has a part to play.

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