Yet another day with the Berkeley Hunt!

berksToday we paid another visit to The Berkeley Hunt who quite clearly have had enough of being sabbed judging by their efforts to stop us in our tracks.

We found the hunt just after 8.30am positioned around a wood with the huntsman encouraging the hounds to hunt. As soon as our presence was noticed, the hunt was on the run (this is getting to be all to common but we ain’t knocking it! If they’re running, they’re not hunting).

The hunt tried very hard to lose us but thanks to their supporters lining country lanes, we were never far behind them. As we approached them for a second time, the hounds were in full cry with the huntsman encouraging them on again. Sabs intervened and started to call the pack away from the wood and soon most of the pack were with us. This led to members of the hunt losing their cool and threatening us with all sorts. But luckily for any nearby foxes, the huntsman gathered up the hounds and took off again.

A smaller group of sabs caught up with the hunt and their supporters for a third time in a small lane and sabs were treated to abuse and more threats of violence. This was just after we’d seen a fox and made sure it got away to safety.

A few minutes later our vehicle rang us saying that the police had arrived, and before we knew it, four cop cars were with us. When asked if they wanted to walk up the road and watch the hunt breaking the law one copper replied with ‘I’m not interested in watching anything’.

We left the cops and carried on after the hunt who thankfully called it a day. Job done!

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