Severn Vale Hare Hunting Festival day 3

Day 3 of the Severn Vale hare hunting festival and the 10th anniversary of the Hunting Act.

Sabs were further north today and so paid a visit to the Dummer Beagles who unusually had a very early start at 8am, a joint meet and the first of two hunts.

We were expecting a long day as this huntsman is disliked in the hunting community for killing too many hares. We were prepared for them to be trying to kill everything in sight. Sabs were very shocked to see the hunt refusing to go out when they clapped eyes on us. Instead, the cowards hid in a barn all morning. What is he afraid of we wonder?

We then popped off to the second meet just across the road to wait for the Warwickshire Beagles. They didn’t even bother to turn up!

Sabs were also looking forward to seeing the Park Beagles, however they failed to show too. Such a disappointment! We appreciate they must be equally disappointed as we spoiled their last festival (Alston Hare Week) too. Sorry about that! We were so looking forward to having a nice walk in the country and watching some beagles following a trail today.

Later in the day we checked back at the Dummer to find them out of hiding and hunting across the road from the original meet. We caught them in the field, and we were extremely shocked to find them not following a trail and trying to hunt hares with their beagles. Running away again they packed up and hid!! Again proving what absolute COWARDLY, animal-abusing criminals they really are.

*Addition – Day 4  of Severn Vale Hare Hunting festival*

Both De Burgh and North Essex Bassets & Four Shire Bassets seem to have either cancelled or never turned up not wanting to go to their meets and face the sabs. This marks the premature end the hunting festival, effectively shut down by hunt saboteurs.

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