Our group (along with Bath Hunt Sabs) visited the Ross Harriers Hunt today, who met at Trelasdee Farm near St. Weonards in Herefordshire.

Their new huntsman, Owain Fisher (previously of the Carmarthenshire Hunt), obviously hasn’t learnt his lessons from previous RH huntsmen and was insistent on blatent illegal hunting in front of sabs, drawing field after field to put up and chase hares with hounds going into cry a number of times.

Sabs were in the right place at the right time for one fox who slipped right past us, fleeing from a maize field which the hunt and hounds were working through. As hounds started to speak, sabs sprayed citronella along the line that the fox had taken and readied ourselves to stop the pack if needed. The huntsman very quickly arrived at the edge of the field and upon sighting us gathered up the hounds and moved off in the opposite direction. Tidy!

We also bumped into the infamous fox cub killers of the South Herefordshire Hunt, who were out on hound exercise. If this hunt think they can operate normally after what they have gotten up to then they seriously need to think again!

We’ll be seeing ya..


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