A Lush weekend & benefit gig

The staff at Lush BRISTOL are absolute diamonds. We were kindly invited into their store all weekend whilst they raised money for us. They even took the time to dress up as foxes for the weekend!

We got to speak to customers about sabbing whilst the staff fund-raised their hearts out. We spoke to to a good number of people interested in joining us in the countryside and it was heartwarming to have so many people come in and say hello such as the wonderful badger cull activists. Not one negative comment over the whole weekend. The public agree: hunting is bloody barbaric.

We also had a benefit gig for held for us on Saturday night which was packed to the rafters! Thanks to the venue/staff, the promoter, the bands (who were all excellent!) and of course everyone who came along! We sold out of merch and gave away a massive amount of leaflets and stickers.

We raised over £900 which will all go directly to helping us get out in the fields and save hunted wildlife! To say we are a happy bunch is an understatement. THANK YOU ALL!

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