More Inclusive Calendars and Eras

Posted on Meow Date Thursday, 12 April of the year 12,014 H.E.

At its inception, the United Nations proposed a more logical, easy to memorize and universal calendar which all the world could use. It was to be called The World Calendar. They did not then suggest it, but others did suggest moving the Epoch, or start date (year Zero), to a more inclusive time period.

The MEOW Community Cooperation Blog’s ‘MEOW Date‘ uses a dating system which combines The World Calendar and The Holocene Calendar:

The World Calendar Association

On the Hololcene Era:
A very complete page via The WayBack Machine on HE
and MMeade on HE

Gregorian (and other) calendar to The World Calendar converters:

Well-explained with the daily date in JavaScript

Many Calendars Converted for any day you give…
Perl converter

About ShiraHoloceneEraDest

Shira Destinie Jones Landrac is a published poet and academic author, former Washington DC Tour Guide, founder of SHIR Tours Community Cooperation Tours, and freelance writer and educator. She has organized community events such as film discussions, multi-ethnic song events, and cooperative presentations. She now lives in France, and continues to work for community cooperation and health for all. She is on LinkedIn and on LinkedIn: and Academia.Edu:
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