Category Archives: CivilianConservationCorps

The War on Drugs -What happened to The War on Poverty?

Change has to come. But it does not have to be bloody. Yes, local elections, won in large numbers, can change things if the Federal government allows the change. But at the same time, I am convinced, we must have … Continue reading

Posted in CivilianConservationCorps, Continuous Shared Learning, Economic Democracy, General | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Courage of Convictions, Meaning, and Framing in Context of…

Community Cooperation. As Hillary Clinton pointed out, it does indeed take a village, a united sense of purpose, and conviction to give meaning to life, and to our way of life. We should learn to ask why, before we arrive … Continue reading

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Respect for Teachers == Respect for US All as a Society

02/27/2013 10:00:00 shirad Generating more respect for teachers requires cultural change People certainly should respect the difficult work that teachers do. This would probably be made easier if our children and adults understood what it takes to teach a person … Continue reading

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CCC and Cooperation: solving the underying issues that lead to war is the MEOW

Why do we need, in the USA, to recreate the Civilian Conservation Corps?  Because, we need challenges.   Of course, our society does have challenges, in spades.  War seems to be the ultimate challenge.  Yet war is preventable if we … Continue reading

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